

Justice and Egalitarian Relations - Christian SchemmelChristian Schemmel (2021): Justice and Egalitarian Relations. New York: Oxford University Press.


Political StudiesChristian Schemmel (forthcoming): "Workplace Democracy as the Liberal Republican Default," Political Studies.

American Political Science ReviewChristian Schemmel and Georg Picot (forthcoming): "Why We Need Minimum Wages: Pay, Recognition, and Economic Citizenship," American Political Science Review.

European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2022)Christian Schemmel (2022): "The Union Shall Promote Social Justice," European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2022), 530-545.

Canadian Journal of PhilosophyChristian Schemmel (2019): "Real Self-Respect and Its Social Bases," Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (2019), 628-651.

Journal of Applied PhilosophyChristian Schemmel (2015): "How (Not) to Criticise the Welfare State," Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (2015), 393-409.

The Journal of PhilosophyChristian Schemmel (2012): "Luck Egalitarianism as Democratic Reciprocity?" A Response to Tan - The Journal of Philosophy 109 (2012), 433-448.

Politics, Philosophy & EconomicsChristian Schemmel (2012): "Distributive and Relational Equality," Politics, Philosophy, and Economics 11 (2012), 123-148.

Social Theory and Practice 37 (2011)Christian Schemmel (2011): "Why Relational Egalitarians Should Care About Distributions," Social Theory and Practice 37 (2011), 365-390.

Indian Journal of Human Development (5) 2011Christian Schemmel (2011): "Sen, Rawls - and Sisyphus," Indian Journal of Human Development 5 (2011), 197-210 - Symposium on Amartya Sen's The Idea of Justice..

Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric (TPR)Christian Schemmel (2008): "On the Usefulness of Luck Egalitarian Arguments for Global Justice," Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 1 (2008), 54-67.


Autonomy and Equality - Relational ApproachesChristian Schemmel (2022): "Relational Autonomy, Equality, and Self-Respect," in: Natalie Stoljar and Kristin Voigt (eds.): Autonomy and Equality - Relational Approaches. New York: Routledge, 103-124.

Social Equality - On What It Means to Be EqualsChristian Schemmel (2015): "Social Equality - Or Just Justice?" in: Carina Fourie, Fabian Schuppert, and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.): Social Equality - On What It Means to Be Equals. New York: Oxford University Press, 146-166.

Grundlagen und Herausforderungen des Sozialstaats - Denkschrift 60 Jahre BundessozialgerichtChristian Schemmel, with Stefan Gosepath (2014): "Ist der Anspruch auf Gerechtigkeit transnationalisierbar?" ("Can Justice be Transnationalised?") in: Peter Masuch et al. (eds.): Grundlagen und Herausforderungen des Sozialstaats - Denkschrift 60 Jahre Bundessozialgericht (Festschrift 60th anniversary of the Federal Social Court). Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 499-515.

Social Justice, Global Dynamics: Theoretical and Empirical PerspectivesChristian Schemmel, with Ayelet Banai and Miriam Ronzoni (2011): "Global Social Justice: The Possibility of Social Justice beyond States in a World of Overlapping Practices," in: Ayelet Banai, Miriam Ronzoni, and Christian Schemmel (eds.), Social Justice, Global Dynamics: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London: Routledge, 46-60.

Edited Journal Issues

Journal of Applied Philosophy 32Christian Schemmel; co-edited with Stefan Gosepath (2015): "Socio-Economic Justice: Beyond the Welfare State?" Special issue, Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (2015), 335-439.

Edited Collections

Social Justice, Global Dynamics: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives.Christian Schemmel; Co-edited with Ayelet Banai and Miriam Ronzoni (2011): Social Justice, Global Dynamics: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London: Routledge.

Book Reviews and Review Articles

Ethics & International Affairs 33 (2019)Christian Schemmel (2019): "The Many Evils of Inequality: An Examination of T.M. Scanlon's Pluralist Account," Ethics & International Affairs 33 (2019), 89-98.

Political Theory 44 (2016)Christian Schemmel (2016): "David Miller, Justice for Earthlings – Essays in Political Philosophy, Cambridge (UK)," Political Theory 44 (2016), 731-736.

Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 21 March 2013Christian Schemmel (2013): "Jamie T. Kelly, Framing Democracy - A Behavioral Approach to Democratic Theory," Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric (TPR)Christian Schemmel (2010): "Partiality Against Parochialism? Review of Toni Erskine, Embedded Cosmopolitanism," Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 3 (2010), 36-43.

Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 30.2 (2005)Christian Schemmel, with Michael Kober (2005): "Rationalität, Freiheit und Selbst. Review of John R. Searle, Rationality in Action," Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 30.2 (2005), 217-226.

Research and Policy Papers

Renewal - A Journal of Social Democracy 24/4 (2016)Christian Schemmel, with David Owen (2016): "Strength in Division: Left-Right Antagonism and the Pratice of 'Split Leadership'," In Renewal - A Journal of Social Democracy 24/4 (2016), 43-51.

Juncture 23 (2016)Christian Schemmel, with Emily McTernan, Martin O'Neill and Fabian Schuppert (2016): "If You Care About Social Equality, You Want a Big State: Home, Work, Care and Social Egalitarianism," Juncture 23 (2016), 138-144.

Publications by